i thought i could start the prayer list with the troops. our soldiers put their own lives on hold to protect us and secure our freedom. we can never forget that. it brings tears to my eyes when i think of how much they and their families sacrifice for the rest of us.we should never fail to thank them for it when we get the chance. i failed to thank a soldier who just returned from iraq a few days ago(because i was in a hurry)i dont know this guy personally. i had just met him. i can garantee you that when i see him again i will shake his hand and tell him that i thank God for people like him. pray for our troops. they need it now more than ever.
Todd Taylor (The BanjoMan) has recently told us of a situation with his twin brother, and we need to remember him in prayer. Allen Taylor is presently in a hospital in South Carolina, suffering with merca, an infectious flesh eating disease. He has already lost an arm due to this condition, and doctors tell the family that there is a good chance he may also lose both legs and possibly his life.
I'm attempting to find out more information about this disease.. Todd mentioned that there are over 400 cases of it just in South Carolina.
Todd and Allen were known as the Taylor Twins on the tv show Hee Haw. Please keep their family in your prayers.
Arthur Hatfield, of Glasgow, KY, was severely burned in a fire while working on a banjo in his shop. Arthur owns Hatfield Banjos and is also a musician with the bluegrass band Arthur Hatfield and Buck Creek. He sustained second/third degree burns on both arms and his face was severely burned also. It is not certain at this time if he will be needing skin grafts or not, but doctors are concerned about the fingers on his left hand. This could be catastrophic to a man who makes his living with his hands...and also to a great banjo picker. Arthur does not have medical insurance....a common situation with alot of musicians. Please remember this family in your prayers.
You know several folks right here at the WWB have lost family members and friends -- and as I recall them (or you do) please post them right here.. for prayers.... if we can't pray for our friends and those closest - what else can we offer? Nothing works like prayer.
I'd like to post here..
Let's pray for all those family and friends listed below.. praying for comfort and courage for family & friends - peace to their hearts - and increased faith in the Lord.
Here is the list - if you remember one I left off - please forgive me and add to list by copying into another post and adding it to that post. Or if you know the first & last name - post that as well.
Gary Booher's father in law - passed away.. Lora's daddy last fall -
Paul Estep's mother Suzie Estep - passed away recently --
Dana Allen's stepfather passed,
Leroy's nephew passed before Christmas - left two small kids-
My husband's best friend from childhood and adulthood Dan Morris passed Jan 5th,
One of my favorite aunts - Aunt Thelma Howard passed before Christmas.
Please continue to copy and paste this list along with additions into other posts..
Thanks Gracie
MULDOON in the AFTERNOON Friday 1-3 PM Est Muldoon w/The Blue Moon Sat Night 9-11 pm but only -Once in a blue moon!
Also forgot to mention that Paul Estep's wife Nancy lost her mother this fall as well.. so especially pray for their family - two deaths in such a short period of time is very hard on everyone.
Thanks again gracie
MULDOON in the AFTERNOON Friday 1-3 PM Est Muldoon w/The Blue Moon Sat Night 9-11 pm but only -Once in a blue moon!