hey all of you who have promoter info. like people who do festivals or other venues. we can swap info. ill give you some of my contacts for tn you give me some of yours for your state or country. we can also swap web links on our websites. its a win win situation for all of us.
Matt; i am not a promoter, just a fan but i do know a few in the midwest i have passed your info on to as well as how to contact you. hope some of it helps Ya know i have also relayed info to folks in your area about some midwest bands i hope to see you coming into my area and i hope to see these other folks expanding into your area. Not as competition but so everyones music can be heard and some of you will get those big breaks. just staying local is like spinning your wheels, never geting anywhere. sometimes us the fans can help more than most believe. i know in my case, i never do anything for favors, just do it to help. )(Now when you become the big star, i will hope you will still know me when i show at one of your concerts. even shake my hand lol
don, you have been very gracious to me and my band. i will always remember you for starting that post on the cmt message board. i know you dont expect anything in return for helping others.that shows that you are a true christian. i have learned that the biggest reward for helping others is the smiling face of those you help. we do several benefit shows throughout each year. we dont make any money on those shows we usually spend money on them, but the tears of joy that we see when a family or organazation thanks us for being a part of it is absolutely priceless. i do try to return favors to folks when i get an oppurtunity to show that i am grateful for their help in the past. shake your hand nothin don im gonna hug ya!