In the new year im starting up a bluegrass club in my local town of Greenock Scotland the main reason is there is,nt one so im starting one and i dont believe i will have much problem getting members as i believe bluegrass is taking off in the uk as a whole. mine you i still have to explain to certain folk what bluegrass is [ so you can see i have a lot of work to do ] but i am excited and it will be a great social event for meeting like minded people i plan to meet every two weeks or as often as people want and i want to help in bringing bands across from the other side of the pond and help out here in giving lessons to budding musicians in the art of bluegrass i have had some advice from uncle B and more if i need it and if you think of any item or interest might be useful to running a club it would be much appreciated as i have never run a club before , as things fall in to place i will keep you all up to date here ,catch you later [irish mark]
I think you have a great idea taking shape here. I sure want to wish you a lot of luck on this project. Here in Texas, bluegrass music is almost a requirement(or at least I think it should be Bluegrass gets some of it's roots from Scotland and it's wonderful to see it start to take hold there. Be sure to keep us posted. Best wishes, Vivian
thank you for your comment Vantasia ill keep you posted on how its panning out in the new year. Jane and myself have came up with a name for the club WEST COAST BLUEGRASS i have had a good responce from folk that i have just bumped into so getting members wont be a problem im looking at a few possible venues next week .......irishmark