Lots of you know that i'm a big fan of Cornbread Red in particular Dennis Clifton and Stan Dailey.
Dennis is really sick and needs immediate prayer intercession - please remember my friend - He is a good Christian person and needs help with his illness asap. He is very weak.
Thanks also for praying for my daddy and sister Rosemary - they are resting comfortably at home. Both had stints put in .. Rosie in her heart and daddy in his carotid artery.
There is much to pray about and always always remember the troops.
God bless all of my prayer warrior friends
-- Edited by GracieMuldoon at 16:22, 2007-11-24
MULDOON in the AFTERNOON Friday 1-3 PM Est Muldoon w/The Blue Moon Sat Night 9-11 pm but only -Once in a blue moon!