Just got word from my youngest daughter, Pam, that there is some possible concern for her pregnancy. It's somewhat complicated and it's not positive yet that the problem exists. Our prayer is that it doesn't. One blood test that she had done is showing some antibodies markers on some of her red blood cells. The concern is this. If the baby has these same type markers, Pam's antibodies can cross the placenta and try to destroy the red blood cells with the markers that the baby has which will cause the baby to be anemic. This would require a blood transfusion for the baby administered across the umblical cord. Of course anything like this can cause a miscarriage to happen. She will be seeing a high risk doctor next Monday. More will be determined at that point. So for now, we wait for a week and pray that everything will be fine. Please keep Pam and the baby in your prayers. I'll update you as I find out more.
Thanks so much!
Host of "Abbott's Bluegrass Habit", Wednesday, noon 'til 2:00pm est.
PRAISE GOD, PRAISE GOD, PRAISE GOD!!! A good report today from Pam after her visit to the high risk doctor. He says that Pam's anti-bodies are not the type to attack the baby and figures there's a very low risk that there will be any problems. PLUS...... It's a GIRL!!!!
......."The prayer of a righteous man availeth much" THANK YOU ALL for your prayers! Please remember to THANK HIM for answering this prayer!
Love you all!
Host of "Abbott's Bluegrass Habit", Wednesday, noon 'til 2:00pm est.