I listen to WWB everyday at work and love every min. of it. Now the radio Nizis here have taken all streaming radio station and blocked them just because they dont like the concept as we are told. I dont know what I will do now not listing to everyone especially when I work midnights you guys keep me going at 3 a.m. Well I will do my best to listen while I am at home and I will be on the forum from time to time. Keep up the great work. And keep on Pickin'
brian , i don't know about anyone else but i work (or workied) better when i could hear music it made my work more enjoyable to have the music playing. (can't work anymore as my arthuritis . anyway hope you can somehow get the Nazi's ti understasnd . god bless and happy listning
I can sympathize your dilemna Brian. Seems like big brother is watching us as well as our bosses. A matter of even more importance is the current royalty fees that internet radio webcasters pay to bring us this wonderful music.
See my thread on The Interner Radio Equality Act. May 15th is suppose to be the deadline before we see numerous internet radio stations dropping like flies.
-- Edited by bluegrassgary at 01:54, 2007-05-01
'To play good bluegrass, it takes more than just being lonesome or feeling lonesome, it's completely insufficient unless you're born lonesome.'
I guess I should consider myself lucky. One of my bosses, gave me a set of speakers so I can listen to WWB at work. He told me, you might as well have music while your working. And just think..its a government job at that.
I suppose you could always smuggle a laptop into work and plug it in. They probably don't allow that either. One sure fire way for them to return the internet radio to you, is to go around singing at the top of your lungs horribly off key until they beg to give you back your radio LOL. Get co workers to do the same thing. Just tell them the fast banjo licks in bluegrass make you work faster. Good Luck Buddy!!!
Well I guess I can consider myself lucky too...I use a laptop at work thats hooked up to wireless innernet and I have a Really good sounding stereo set up at my work station and I can blast the whole shop with WWB from 8-5...